tailwind css sticky header & fixed navbar example

Welcome to this tutorial, where we'll cover the creation of a simple fixed navbar with Tailwind CSS, dive into the world of sticky headers, explore three top sticky header components, and learn how to craft a responsive sticky menu. All of this will be demonstrated with examples, leveraging the versatility of Tailwind CSS and the interactivity of Alpine.js.

Example 1

Building a Simple Sticky Header with Tailwind CSS.

<div class="bg-gray-100">
  <header class="sticky top-0 z-30 w-full px-2 py-4 bg-white sm:px-4 shadow-xl">
    <div class="flex items-center justify-between mx-auto max-w-7xl">
      <a href="#">
        <span class="text-2xl font-extrabold text-blue-600">Logo</span>
      <div class="flex items-center space-x-1">
        <ul class="hidden space-x-2 md:inline-flex">
          <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">Home</a></li>
          <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">Blogs</a></li>
          <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">About Us</a></li>
          <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">Contact Us</a></li>

        <div class="inline-flex md:hidden">
          <button class="flex-none px-2 ">
            <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-6 h-6" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
              <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M4 8h16M4 16h16" />
            <span class="sr-only">Open Menu</span>
          <!-- put list item -->

  <section class="p-4 mx-auto max-w-7xl">
    <div class="mx-auto font-sans">
      <h1 class="text-2xl font-bold">Tailwind CSS sticky header</h1>
      <p> Header dummay data Lorem....</p>

tailwind ui sticky header

tailwind ui sticky header

Creating a Responsive Fixed Navbar with a Hamburger Icon.

tailwind fix nabvar

tailwind fix nabvar

Example 2

Creating a Responsive Sticky Header and Navbar with Tailwind CSS 3 and Alpine.js

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Tailwind CSS 3 & alpinejs 3 responsive sticky navbar</title>
    <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>

    <script defer src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>

    <div class="bg-gray-100">
      <header class="sticky top-0 z-30 w-full px-2 py-4 bg-white shadow-xl shadow-blue-600/20 sm:px-4">
        <div class="flex items-center justify-between mx-auto max-w-7xl">
          <a href="#">
            <span class="text-2xl font-extrabold text-blue-600">Logo</span>
          <div class="flex items-center space-x-1">
            <ul class="hidden space-x-2 md:inline-flex">
              <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">Home</a></li>
              <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">Blogs</a></li>
              <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">About Us</a></li>
              <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">Contact Us</a></li>

            <div class="inline-flex md:hidden" x-data="{ open: false }">
              <button class="flex-none px-2 " @click="open = true">
                <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-6 h-6" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
                  <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M4 8h16M4 16h16" />
                <span class="sr-only">Open Menu</span>
                class="absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 z-50 flex flex-col p-2 pb-4 m-2 space-y-3 bg-white rounded shadow"
                x-show.transition="open" @click.away="open = false" x-cloak>
                <button class="self-end flex-none px-2 ml-2" @click="open = false">
                  <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-6 h-6" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
                    <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12" />
                  <span class="sr-only">Close Menu</span>
                <ul class="space-y-2">
                  <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">Home</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">Blogs</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">About Us</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#" class="px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-gray-600 rounded">Contact Us</a></li>


      <section class="p-4 mx-auto max-w-7xl">
        <div class="mx-auto font-sans">
          <h1 class="text-2xl font-bold">Tailwind CSS sticky header</h1>
          <p>Header Dummay data Lorem....</p>
tailwind fixed header

tailwind fixed header

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