how to use tailwind css dashboard in laravel 10

In this section we will see how to use tailwind css admin dashboard in laravel 10. To use tailwind css dashboard we can use Larastarters package.

Step 1: Create Laravel Project

Installing a fresh new laravel application, so head over to the terminal, type the command, and create a new laravel app.

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel project_name

Now, you have to connect the laravel app to the database, hence open the .env configuration file and add the database credentials as suggested below.



Step 2: Install Larastarters

Install Larastarters via composer in laravel 10.

composer require laraveldaily/larastarters --dev

Step 3: Step up & Configure Larastarters

Run the command below configure. 

php artisan larastarters:install

Now Select breeze Tailwind CSS (Select number 0).

 Which Laravel starter kit you want to use? [Laravel Breeze (Tailwind)]
 Laravel Breeze (Tailwind) ...................................................... 0    
 Laravel Breeze & Inertia (Tailwind) ............................................ 1    
 Laravel UI (Bootstrap) ......................................................... 2    
❯ 0

Next, Choose your preferred starter kit and Design Theme.

 Which design theme you want to use? [windmill]
 windmill ........................................................................ 0    
 notusjs ......................................................................... 1    
 tailwindcomponents .............................................................. 2    

Step 4: Compile Project Assets

Compile starter kit if you are using laravel 10 you don't need to run or install npm. if any case you got error then run.

npm install && npm run dev 

Next, run this command

php artisan migrate

Step 5: Test Tailwind CSS Dashboard in laravel 10

Now you need to log in or register.

tailwind css admin dashboard in laravel 10

tailwind css admin dashboard in laravel 10

After register

laravel 10 use tailwind css dashboard

laravel 10 use tailwind css dashboard