Laravel CRUD with Tailwind CSS Example

Laravel CRUD with Tailwind CSS Example

In this tutorial, we will create a Laravel CRUD application with Tailwind CSS 3 using the Laravel Breeze package. Breeze is a first-party Laravel package that provides various features such as authentication and integration with the modern Tailwind CSS 3…

How to find string length in Laravel

How to find string length in Laravel

In this section, we will see how to find the length of a string in Laravel. You can use the Laravel helper method Str::length() or the PHP strlen() method to find the string length. Let’s take a look at the…

Implement Email Verification in Laravel with Breeze

laravel email Verification with Breeze

In this tutorial, you will see how to implement email verification with Laravel Breeze. Laravel Breeze is a simple and minimal authentication scaffolding. It comes with default Blade components, Tailwind CSS, and Alpine.js. Step 1: Set up Configuring the SMTP Server…

How to Download Image in Laravel

How to Download Image in Laravel

In this section, we will see how to upload and download images in Laravel. There are two ways to download images in Laravel. First, you can use the HTML download attribute. Second, you can use the Laravel download method. Example…