Laravel Image Upload Not Showing? How to Fix It

Having trouble with your image uploads not showing in your Laravel application? This common issue can be frustrating, but it’s often easy to fix with the right approach. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to troubleshoot and resolve image upload visibility issues in Laravel, ensuring your images display correctly everytime.

Incorrect Image Path

Ensure the path to the image is correct. If you’re storing images in the public directory, you should reference them as follows:

<img src="{{ asset('images/your-image.jpg') }}" alt="Image">

See Also

How to Solve ‘Class NumberFormatter not found’ in Laravel

File Permissions

Ensure the image file has the correct permissions. The web server needs to have read access to the image file. You can set the appropriate permissions using:

chmod 644 public/images/your-image.jpg

Cache Issues

Sometimes, browser caching can cause images not to display. Try clearing your browser cache or opening the site in an incognito window.

Public Disk Configuration

If you are using Laravel’s Storage facade, ensure you have configured the public disk correctly in config/filesystems.php:

'disks' => [
    'public' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root' => storage_path('app/public'),
        'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage',
        'visibility' => 'public',

Storage Link

If you are storing images in the storage/app/public directory, ensure you have created a symbolic link to the public/storage directory by running:

php artisan storage:link
storage link

Environment Configuration

Make sure your APP_URL is correctly set in your .env file:


Server Configuration

If you’re using a web server like Apache or Nginx, ensure that the configuration allows serving of static files from the public directory.

saim ansari
saim ansari

I'm Saim Ansari, a full-stack developer with 4+ years of hands-on experience who thrives on building web applications that leave a lasting impression. When it comes to tech, I'm particularly adept at Laravel, React, Tailwind CSS, and the Tall Stack