In this section we will see how to install & setup adminlte 3 with laravel 10. There is two way you can easily install bootstrap admin lte 3 in laravel 10 laravel-ui-adminlte and Larastarters.
Install AdminLTE 3 in Laravel 10 Using laravel-ui-adminlte
Create Laravel 10 app.
composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel-adminlte
Now, fill the details in env file.
Install Laravel UI AdminLTE 3
composer require infyomlabs/laravel-ui-adminlte
To Generate a full authentication UI,
php artisan ui adminlte --auth
To Install just AdminLTEtheme assets,
php artisan ui adminlte
And then run,
npm install && npm run dev
![laravel 10 with adminlte 3](
After registering, go to http://localhost:8000/home.
![laravel 10 adminlte 3 home page](
Install Admin Lit using LaravelDaily / Larastarters
Create new laravel 10 app
composer create-project laravel/laravel admin-lte
Install Larastarters via composer.
composer require laraveldaily/larastarters --dev
Install Larastarters scaffolding.
php artisan larastarters:install
Select laravel ui bootstrap.
Which Laravel starter kit you want to use? [Laravel Breeze (Tailwind)]
Laravel Breeze (Tailwind) ........................ 0
Laravel Breeze & Inertia (Tailwind) .............. 1
Laravel UI (Bootstrap) ........................ 2
❯ 2
Select adminlit 0 number.
Which design theme you want to use? [adminlte]
adminlte .............................0
coreui ............................... 1
plainadmin ..................................2
volt ........................................ 3
sb-admin-2 .................................... 4
tabler .......................................5
❯ 0
Install npm & run dependency.
npm install && npm run dev