Implementing Delete Functionality in Laravel 11 with Inertia and React

In modern web applications, smooth and responsive user interactions are crucial. When it comes to deleting records, we want to provide a seamless experience without full page reloads. Let’s explore how to implement this using Laravel 11, Inertia, and React.

Setting Up the Backend

First, let’s set up our Laravel backend to handle delete requests.

1. Define the Route

In your routes/web.php file, add a delete route:

use App\Http\Controllers\ItemController;

Route::delete('/items/{item}', [ItemController::class, 'destroy'])->name('items.destroy');

2. Create the Controller Method

In your ItemController, implement the destroy method:

public function destroy(Item $item)
    return redirect()->route('items.index')->with('message', 'Item deleted successfully');

This method deletes the item and redirects back to the index page with a success message.

Laravel 11 Inertia CRUD with React TypeScript Example

Implementing the Frontend

Now, let’s create a React component that will handle the delete functionality on the client side.

1. Create the React Component

import React from 'react';
import { router } from '@inertiajs/react';

export default function ItemList({ items }) {
    const handleDelete = (id) => {
        if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?')) {
            router.delete(`/items/${id}`, {
                preserveState: true,
                preserveScroll: true,

    return (
                { => (
                    <li key={}>
                        <button onClick={() => handleDelete(}>Delete</button>
Delete Functionality

2. Understanding the Code

Let’s break down the key parts of this component:

  • We import router from @inertiajs/react, which allows us to make Inertia requests.
  • The handleDelete function is called when the delete button is clicked. It first confirms the action with the user.
  • If confirmed, we use router.delete() to send a DELETE request to our backend.
  • The preserveState and preserveScroll options maintain the current page state and scroll position after the delete operation.
saim ansari
saim ansari

I'm Saim Ansari, a full-stack developer with 4+ years of hands-on experience who thrives on building web applications that leave a lasting impression. When it comes to tech, I'm particularly adept at Laravel, React, Tailwind CSS, and the Tall Stack