alpine js x-data tutorial by example

In this Alpine js tutorial we will see x-data . The x-data declares a new component scope. It tells the framework to initialize a new component with the data object. Alpine js start with x-data let see alpine js some Example.

Example 1

first we need to create x-data in div or any html tag to start Alpine js components . then we can define object like JavaScript and give value to object to display object we use x-text it will print output

<div x-data="{message: 'Alpine js is Awesome'}">
      <p x-text="message"></p>


Alpine js is Awesome

Example 2

you can use other html tag it work all of them you can use with div,h1,p,ul, any other tag will work . but for right way use should x-data with div Tag it is right way

<h1 x-data="{hOne: 'h1 one is working'}" x-text="hOne"></h1>
<p x-data="{pTag: 'p tag is working'}" x-text="pTag"></p

Example 3

Don't Do

You should not print outside of div tag x-data start with open close tags if you call outside of tag it will not work

<div x-data="{message: 'Alpine js is Awesome'}">
            <h2>Apline js</h2>
<p x-text="message"></p> 


<div x-data="{message: 'Alpine js is Awesome'}">
            <h2>Apline js</h2>
            <p x-text="message"></p>

Example 4

if you have many filed you can display like 👇 this . or you can display better way

To Do This 👇

<div x-data="{ 
            name: 'larainfo',
            email:'[email protected]',
            number : 99999999,
                <li x-text="name"></li>
                <li x-text="email"></li>
                <li x-text="number"></li>
                <li x-text="pincode"></li>

Better way 👇

if you have many object you can simply put into function in script tags it is easy to read and clean code

        <div x-data="userDetail()">
                <li x-text="name"></li>
                <li x-text="email"></li>
                <li x-text="number"></li>
                <li x-text="pincode"></li>

        function userDetail() {
            return {
                name: 'larainfo',
                email: '[email protected]',
                number: 99999999,
                pincode: 666656

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